Some Literary Vibes: Music and Virginia Woolf

Did you know that apart frModest.Mouse-band-2004om the classic “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” there are some other songs that have her name on the title or that were inspired by the British author? We have selected some of the songs that are somehow related to the Modernist author:

  • Modest House: The band came up with the title after reading Woolf’s The Mark on the Wall, and some of their lyrics are based on her work.

  • Laura Veirs-Rapture: She just mentions Virginia Woolf, but the topic of the song could somehow resemble the intensity of Woolf’s writings.
  • Freedom or Death-Virginia Woolf: the Indie band took their inspiration from the movie “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”, which at the same time is based on the play with the same name written by Edwards Albee.
  • The Smiths- Shakespeare’s sister: this song is based on a passage of A Room of One’s Own in which Woolf stated that if Shakespeare had had a sister as good as him at writing, she would not have had the same opportunities to succeed.

There are many others, you just have to take a quick look at Youtube or Spotify. We will update the list soon, so stay tuned!

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